What should be the right diet for the blood group

Proper nutrition according to blood type is crucial for human health. What substances and in what amounts enter our body, their functioning depends, their ability to withstand the negative effects of various factors and, finally, general well-being, performance and even mood.

eating vegetable salad on a blood type diet

Proper nutrition by blood group

The issue of proper nutrition receives great attention from numerous researchers, and one of the most interesting is the theory of Americans - James D'Adamo and Peter D'Adamo, father and son, who have been making their observations for a long time. Years of research led them to the conclusion that in the ancestors of modern humans, nutrition played a role in the later emergence of the four major blood groups in their descendants. Thus, each person's body is predisposed to its own type of diet, which is determined by belonging to one or another blood category.

Researchers have tracked the effects of a wide variety of foods on hemoglobin levels in people from different groups and have noticed that extracts from certain foods bind blood cells together in certain blood discharges.

According to this phenomenon, unusual adhesive substances called lectins have been found in some plant and animal products, responsible for their binding. Lectins combine with sugar-forming substances located on the surface of the erythrocytes, which determine the group affiliation and thus unite the red blood cells, which is why health disorders occur. But since sugar-forming substances are found not only in the blood but also in other tissues in the body, nutrition that doesn't fall into a certain category can harm other organs in the body.

In addition, studies have shown that blood also determines the genetic predisposition to certain diseases. So, for example, a diet for blood group 1 is negative, it must be taken into account that the first is characterized by a predisposition to peptic ulcer and cardiovascular diseases and, for example, the second to diabetes and oncology. And in the event that a person consumes genetically contraindicated products for him, the risk of becoming ill with characteristic diseases of this type increases many times over. And vice versa - many problems can be avoided by observing the basic rules of proper nutrition and eliminating harmful foods from your diet.

Based on the findings of Drs. James and Peter D'Adamo, it is becoming easier to create your usual diet of proper nutrition that will have a healing effect on the body of a person in a certain group. Nutritionists have simplified the task by creating a corresponding map of healthy foods, the use of which is recommended for each individual group.

Diet by blood group

The first blood type is defined as "hunting" - this is believed to be the blood of the first people on our planet, who obtained their own food, usually by hunting. Thus, proper nutrition and a diet for blood type 1 negative and positive should be rich in meat proteins.

With proper nutrition, people with the first positive blood group are recommended to consume foods such as beef, lamb, liver, broccoli, leafy vegetables, fatty varieties of sea fish and seafood. Also, proper nutrition and diet for blood type 1 negative + positive, it is preferable that proper nutrition contains olive oil, nuts, sprouted grains, seaweed, prunes. At the same time, foods rich in gluten, dairy, corn, beans, cabbage are undesirable.

The second blood type is characteristic of the type of people who were engaged in agriculture. Thus, they are advised to eat a lot of different vegetables, but it is advisable to reduce the consumption of red meat, observing the principles of proper nutrition.

With an adequate diet, it is preferable for these people to eat more vegetables, cereals, fruits, fish and seafood. But the use of red meat with adequate nutrition is not recommended, as well as dairy products, wheat dishes, beans, eggplant, potatoes, mushrooms. Observing the principles of proper nutrition, it is also advisable to give up black tea.

The third group arose from the descendants of nomads, therefore, they have unpretentious digestion, respectively, and the diet for blood type 3 positive is more diverse. However, the consumption of dairy products can bring problems due to the fact that such people are historically prone to lactose intolerance.

For people in the third group, with adequate nutrition, it is very desirable to saturate their diet with meat and fish, eggs, grains, vegetables and fruits. With a blood type 3 positive diet, seafood, olives, corn, nuts and alcohol are undesirable.

The fourth blood group emerged only a thousand years ago, and is considered the evolution of several blood types, most notably the first and second. Therefore, it is characterized by recommendations and restrictions associated with these groups.

For people with the fourth blood type, nutritionists recommend soy, fish, dairy, green vegetables and fruits, rice and fruits. But it is desirable to do without such products as red meat, beans, buckwheat, corn, wheat, oranges, bananas, mushrooms and nuts.

Of course, these recommendations for proper nutrition are just basic, and it is advisable to choose a more specific diet in collaboration with your doctor, who knows you have a diet for blood group 1 negative or 2 positive, based on long-term observations. of the state of the body.

Of course, it is necessary to build your own feelings, since some products recommended for consumption, despite their usefulness for this type of blood, can harm the body, even because, at the time of reviewing their diet, a person already has certain health conditions and problems. , which provide for restrictions on products that, according to Dr. D'Adamo's theory, are desirable. And vice versa - it is quite possible that products that are undesirable for a particular blood type may be recommended to solve health problems that already exist at that time.

Be that as it may, but the theory of the D'Adamo researchers can be tested in practice for some time, and based on the internal sensations, as well as the state of health verified by the attending physician, certain conclusions can be drawn in each specific case.